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Frequently Asked Questions
Will this Sleep Formula make me feel intoxicated?
No, our Zero THC Sleep Formula does not contain any THC whatsoever. Some sensitive individuals may feel drowsy or different after taking a combination of CBD and CBN, but it is nothing comparable to the "high" from THC.
Is the Sleep Zero THC Formula safe to take if I get drug tested?
Several studies indicate it may be possible for CBN to affect the outcome of drug tests, though more research is needed. Therefore, it’s important to inform your doctor about any CBN products you may be taking so that if a drug test yields false positives, your doctor will know that the false positive for THC may be the result of THC metabolites being present because of CBN consumption. We recommend doing more research to be sure CBN is safe for you to take if you do get drug tested.
Is the Zero THC Sleep Formula vegan?
Yes, these gummies are vegan!
Are these gummies Gluten and Soy Free?
Yes, they are gluten and soy free!